All You Need to Know About Garage Door Seals

All You Need to Know About Garage Door Seals

A quick garage door upgrade is the easiest way to give your property a new look and increase its value. According to Remodeling magazine’s 36th annual 2023 Cost vs. Value Report, its average cost is $4,302 and has a 102.7% return on investment (ROI).

But when upgrading it, keep one thing in mind – replace the garage door seal. The garage door seal acts like a barrier. It keeps unwanted water, air, dirt, and little critters from sneaking into your garage. It also keeps the cold or heat out and the comfort in. That means a well-sealed garage door can cut your heating and cooling costs. Whether you use traditional or modern French doors for your garage, it needs proper sealing.

Let’s learn more about garage door seals.

Table Of Content

1. Types of Garage Door Seals
2. Choosing the Right Garage Door Seal
3. How to Maintain Your Garage Door Seals
4. How to Seal Your Garage Door: DIY Vs Professional Installation
5. Conclusion

Secure Your Garage with Expert Sealing!

Types of Garage Door Seals

Every garage door needs sealing. Only proper sealing can keep your garage from becoming a haven for critters, insects, and dirt. Typically, garage door seals come in three different types:

Bottom Seals

Bottom seals, or door sweeps, act like a broom for your garage door. These seals sweep away water and debris that could otherwise sneak under the door. They are incredibly durable and more suited for high-frequency garage doors that bend.

These seals are typically made from rubber or vinyl. You can install these garage seals using two different methods – a retainer or nailing directly to the door.

A retainer is a metal channel that you can nail to the bottom of your garage door. It’s ideal for installing rubber bottom seals. Retainers allow for quick and easy garage door seal installation and replacement.

On the other hand, nailing is a more permanent solution. It involves nailing or bolting the seal directly to the bottom of your garage door. Although it can last long, replacing a nailed door seal is an uphill task.

Side and Top Seals

These are the most common types of seals. Knowing how to seal garage door gaps with suitable side and top seals can help protect your garage from weather elements. Think of these seals as a picture frame that fits snugly around your garage door.

Typically, you can fit these seals using nails and screws. They are relatively easy to install. If you are going the DIY route, cover every corner, especially if it’s a garage door with a man’s door. In this case, the frame of the man door will also need top and side seals to keep air, dust, and water at bay.

Threshold Seals

These are the third most common type of garage door seal. Threshold seals are ideal for garages with uneven floors or slopes. These seals often act as mini ramps. Knowing how to seal a garage door with threshold seals can keep the water from leaking through the bottom. It’s a must for areas where heavy rainfall can lead to water pooling.

Most homeowners use adhesive to fix threshold seals. Although this is quick, the adhesive can wear off after a few months, especially in wet climates. So, we recommend using screws for a more durable garage door seal installation. It’s also best to call a local pro for the job. They know how to seal your garage door properly. For example, if you need garage door repair in Sparks, NV, your best bet is to call a local pro like Thompson Garage Door.

Choosing the Right Garage Door Seal

When it’s time to replace the garage door seal, you want to pick the right one. Keeping the following factors in mind can help you find a seal that perfectly fits your door and wallet.

Here’s what you need to consider:


The first step is to choose the right material. Garage door seals usually come in rubber or vinyl. Both these materials can handle temperature changes well. They also offer good enough resistance to physical damage. Still, consider your weather. Talk to a local pro who knows how to seal garage doors. A garage door repair expert can help you choose the right seal.

Door Type

Another factor you need to consider is the type of door – wood or metal. Wooden garage doors are beautiful and sturdy. However, wood tends to expand and contract easily when the temperature changes. In other words, a wooden garage door needs a more flexible seal. So, a rubber garage door seal might be more in your alley.

Contemporary garage doors, especially those made from metal, often require durable seals. For one, metal doors are heavier, so they need seals that can withstand more weight and pressure. Secondly, unlike wood, metal is less likely to expand or contract when the temperature changes. So, choose a door seal accordingly.

Gap Size

Finally, you need to consider the gap size when you replace the garage door seal. The seal must be thick enough to close the gap perfectly. If the gap is wide, you may need a thick and more robust seal. Once again, talking to a local pro can help. They can help you find a seal that snugly fits into the gap, leaving no room for water or air to enter your garage.

Ask Our Experts About Door Seals!

How to Maintain Your Garage Door Seals

Like the rest of your garage door parts, door seals also require regular maintenance and care. This helps boost their lifespan. It also keeps your energy bills from shooting up.

Here’s what you should do:

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are at the heart of keeping your garage door seals functioning flawlessly. We recommend checking your seals at least twice a year — before summer and winter. These seasons can be particularly hard on your garage door seals. It’s also a good idea to check them after heavy rain or a blizzard.

Regular Cleaning

Keeping garage door seals clean helps prolong their life. You can use a soft cloth or sponge with mild soap and water to clean the door seals. Never use harsh chemicals or bleach to clean the seals. They can damage the seals, leading to premature replacements.

Wear and Tear

Watch out for cracks, gaps, or areas where the seal has become brittle or is peeling away. You will also notice drafts or pests finding their way into your garage. This could indicate significant damage to your garage door seals. Consider replacing the damaged seals as soon as possible.

How to Seal Your Garage Door: DIY Vs Professional Installation

You will need to replace the garage door seal eventually. You’ve got two options – do it yourself (DIY) and call a professional. Each option has its pros and cons. Be sure to consider them before making your decision.

DIY Installation

DIY might be a good choice if you’re handy with tools and know how to replace rubber seals on a garage door. DIY is often less expensive than hiring a professional. Plus, it can be really satisfying.

However, you will need the right tools for installation. This includes a utility knife, adhesive, screwdriver, screws, nails, hammer, and a rubber mallet. You will also need appropriate safety gear. If you haven’t done this before, you can find many DIY tutorials, like this one, on YouTube.

Professional Installation

Although cheaper and more satisfying, DIY may not always be a good idea. If you are not up for it, hire a professional as soon as possible. Professionals, like those at Thompson Garage Doors, know how to seal garage doors. Pros can get the job done quickly and more effectively. They will also save you time and hassle.

Protect Your Garage: Consult Us Now!


A properly sealed garage door keeps dirt, water, heat, and cold from entering your garage. It helps your HVAC system run efficiently and lowers your energy bills. It’s one of the critical components of your home environment. Knowing how to seal garage door gaps, keeping up with maintenance, and getting professional help when needed can keep your door seals going for years.

Do you need garage door repairs in Sparks, NV? Look no further than Thompson Garage Doors. We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Whatever help you need, we are here. Contact us to schedule a maintenance call today!