Summer Garage Door Maintenance: A Step-by-Step Guide

Summer Garage Door Maintenance

Summer reminds everyone of lazy weekend afternoons, family picnics, and road trips. But as the summer sun bathes your surroundings, you shouldn’t forget a few crucial chores. One of them is garage door maintenance.

Whether you have traditional or modern contemporary garage doors, keeping them in excellent condition is necessary. Your garage door is a shield against weather elements. It also guards your valuables, including your cars.

Still not convinced?

Well, here’s an interesting fact. On average, the garage door opens and closes 3-5 times daily. That comes down to over 1,500 times a month and about 15,000 open and closed activities annually. Given how frequently you use it; your garage door needs regular upkeep. Besides, neglecting it could lead to avoidable inconveniences and costly repairs. In other words, whether a standard or a custom garage door, you need to keep it in top shape, all the time.

Let’s get you started with these easy garage door maintenance tips.

Table Of Content

Understanding the Importance of Summer Garage Door Maintenance
Step 1: Inspect the Garage Door
Step 2: Lubricate Moving Parts
Step 3: Clean and Clear the Tracks
Step 4: Check and Test Safety Features
Step 5: Inspect and Replace Weatherstripping
Step 6: Maintain Garage Door Opener
Step 7: Schedule Professional Maintenance

Understanding the Importance of Summer Garage Door Maintenance 

Understanding the Importance of Summer Garage Door Maintenance

As we said, summer is a time for family picnics and road trips. You could even go camping with your friends and family. That means your garage door will see a lot more use in the summertime. Moreover, the high heat and humidity can also wreak havoc on your garage door.

Failing to address these challenges invites a range of problems, from warped panels to malfunctioning openers. But regular garage door maintenance can help you avoid these problems.

Here are a few garage door maintenance tips that can help.

Step 1: Inspect the Garage Door

The step in your summer garage door maintenance is a thorough visual inspection. You can stand inside your garage and observe the door as it operates. Inspect the hardware for any wear and tear, such as frayed cables, loose hinges, misaligned tracks, or rust on the springs.

Check if any bolts are missing. You should tighten the bolts and replace the missing ones. Similarly, check the panels for cracks or dents. Repair them if possible. But get a garage door panel replacement because it is a durable solution.

Step 2: Lubricate Moving Parts

Lubrication is necessary for smooth operation, even more so if you hear unusual grinding or squeaking noises. Regular lubrication will reduce friction and wear, extending your garage door’s lifespan. When lubricating, focus on moving parts like hinges, rollers, springs, and tracks.

Here’s how:

  • Remove dirt and old lubricant using a cloth.
  • Apply a small amount of lubricant to the hinges and rollers. Avoid using excess lubricant.
  • Coat the springs lightly. Never let them soak in lubricant.
  • Spread a thin layer of lubricant along the tracks.

Ideally, you should lubricate your garage door every few months. That’s one of the basic garage door maintenance tips.

Open Up to Summer – Start with Your Garage!

Inspect the Garage Door

Step 3: Clean and Clear the Tracks

Over time garage door tracks tend to shift a little. Even the slightest misalignment can affect the door’s balance and alignment. It also prevents your garage door from operating smoothly. That’s why cleaning your tracks is one of the important garage door maintenance tips.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Use a soft cloth or brush to remove dirt and debris gently.
  • Inspect for any misalignments. If a track appears skewed, loosen the mounting bolts, align it, and retighten.
  • Focus on vertical tracks for roll-up doors. But horizontal tracks matter more for sectional doors.

After you are done, check the alignment. Turn off your automatic opener and lift the door halfway manually. It is balanced if it stays in place. If not, you may need to call professional garage door services immediately.

 Step 4: Check and Test Safety Features

Safety is paramount. Your garage door has safety sensors and an auto-reverse mechanism. You need to check both to protect yourself against potential accidents. Here are a few steps you can take.

  • Test the auto-reverse by placing a small obstruction in the door’s path during closing. It should promptly reverse upon contact.
  • Inspect photo-eye sensors by blocking their path with an object while closing. A functioning system will halt and reverse the door.

You are good to go if nothing seems out of place. However, if not, you should call a custom garage door repair expert.

Step 5: Inspect and Replace Weatherstripping

Weatherstripping is your garage’s shield against the elements like rain, wind, sunlight, and snow. It fends off drafts, moisture, and unwelcome critters. But this unsung hero needs your attention to ensure its efficacy.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Inspect weatherstripping for cracks, tears, or compression.
  • If damaged, replace it with suitable materials like vinyl, rubber, or foam.
  • Measure and cut weatherstripping to fit snugly along the door’s edges.
  • Use adhesive or nails to secure it in place. It should create a tight seal.

You can buy new weatherstripping at the nearest hardware store. You can directly drive there if you already know one. If not, a simple phone search for “garage door stores near me” can help you find one. Remember, summer is the right time to get this done.

Don’t Sweat Summer Garage Care – Act Today!

Step 6: Maintain Garage Door Opener

The door opener is behind every smooth entry and exit from your garage. It is the unsung hero of the effortless operation of your garage door. Naturally, this garage door maintenance tip is about maintaining the door opener.
Here’s how:

  • Clean and Lubricate: First, wipe the exterior of the opener. Always keep it free from dirt or debris. Next, be sure to lubricate its chain or screw drive. And do this according to manufacturer guidelines.
  • Performance Check: It is also necessary to check how the door opener responds. When operating it, listen for unusual sounds or jerky movements. These might indicate potential issues. If you think it is necessary, hire a garage door maintenance expert to address them.
  • Remote Control: Replace remote control batteries regularly. Plus, program unique keypad codes for added security.

 Step 7: Schedule Professional Maintenance

Yes, DIY garage door maintenance works. But professional maintenance and repair can produce much better and long-lasting results. Enlisting a seasoned garage door service provider offers a host of advantages:

  • Professionals can identify hidden issues that DIY checks might miss.
  • Expert tune-ups improve garage door efficiency and longevity.
  • Trained technicians ensure all safety features are functioning as intended.
  • Leave the intricate tasks to the pros. It saves you time and potential frustration.


Whether it is summer or winter, the resilience of your garage door gets tested throughout the year. That’s why cleaning and tuning it should be on your list of must-do chores every summer. Regular summer garage door maintenance can enhance its performance and endurance. And with these garage door maintenance tips, you can do it without hassle. Of course, don’t forget to hire a professional for annual maintenance. It will take your door’s performance to the next level. 

Are you looking for professional garage door maintenance in Reno, NV? Look no further than Thompson Garage Doors. Schedule your appointment now!